Hello there all you blog readers! Sorry I
told you all I was terrible at keeping this sort of thing up to date!!!! But here is a little of what has been going on. Haylee successfully completed Preschool and soccer. Jamison is now 9 months old and so very cute. She is saying DADDA but not MOMMA!!!! She will say it every once in a while!! She is also crawling like a speed racer!! She is sooo fast! She will follow Bryson (who is walking now!!) everywhere he goes. And she wants to be wherever Haylee is! Haylee is okay with it for a while and then she gets kinda irritated at Jamison taking all of her toys away just to chew on them! Bryson is one which if you read Mandy's Blog you know! He is sooo precious Happy Birthday B-man! I was laid off from my job in late May, and was enjoying hanging out with the girls. But I am now working part time at Mandy's work in a different department. I am still working on the teaching thing. There are sooo many hoops to jump through to go through the alternative route! I am also half way through with my Masters Degree. I cannot believe Haylee is going to start Kindergarten in August!! Crazy! But we are just enjoying the summer, and hanging out! Here are some pictures I actually have a lot of new ones BUT they are on my memory card and I have not gone to get them on a CD! So here are some newer ones than what are already on the blog!!!